Shri Vijaya Dasa stayed at Yadavagiri (Adavani) for almost 12 years before moving to Chippagiri where he left his mortal body.

The set of photos show the renovated house of Shri Vijaya Dasa, the place where he lived at Adavani. He installed Avataratraya Shri Mukhya PraNa idol and worshipped for many years.

Shri Vijaya Dasa bestowed anikta nama to Shri Gopala Dasa and Shri Panganama Timmanna Dasa at Adavani.

Ashwaththa Vruksha sowed by Shri Vijaya Dasa also stands tall in this vicinity even to this date.

Shri Raghu Prema Teertha in his purvashrama days stayed at this place after donating his entire property as per the orders of Shri Mukhya PraNa and performed tapas. He installed the brindavana of Shri Raghavendra in the same vicinity. He renovated this premises before donating it to his adhyatma Guru Shri Hattibelagal Narasimhacharya's son Shri Koppareshacharya.

More recently an idol of Shri Vijaya Dasa is also installed in the same vicinity. Also the katte got renovated once again by devotees of Shri Vijaya Dasa

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